New Year, New Beginnings:
Cooperative Couples Compete for a Divorce a Week in January.

With the passing of the holiday season, the New Year brings yearnings for new beginnings from couples who have put off divorce due to the long soured economy.
Our online divorce service, - among the first, launched in 2002 – has seen a significant increase in the number of couples delaying divorce until they are poised to remarry. 
To call greater attention to our cost-effective, quick, and cooperative method of divorce, is giving away one online divorce a week for the month of January to cooperative couples who share the most compelling pre-divorce story.
Contestant couples must be in agreement to divorce and agree to the terms of the division of assets, debts and child responsibilities.  They may share their story of why they are the most deserving of a free online divorce (excluding court filing fees)via Facebook, Twitter, a video on Youtube, the divorce site’s blog, or email.
Of course, a Youtube video is likely to be a more compelling entry than a Twitter post, but we’re open to the most convincing story, no matter the medium. provides instant online divorce documents that are state/province-specific and serves all of the US, Canada (except Quebec), Australia, UK, India, as well as the Caribbean islands of the Bahamas, Cayman Islands and St. Lucia. Relatively cooperative couples complete online forms to immediately generate their divorce documents.  The use of an online divorce site saves thousands of dollars in legal fees, as well as time and stress.
The price for the complete divorce package from is $149 in the US, and comparable when translated into the local currency of countries outside the US. There are no additional fees for couples with children, military families or other factors.
Winning couples will be chosen on the Saturday of each week in January and notified by email. Winners will need to agree to have their story (with the names changed to preserve anonymity) shared on our blog and other media.
Facebook: Entries can be made on the page.
Twitter entries: @OurDivorceAgt
Youtube entry: Create video and send link to
Blog entry: Reply to this post.
Email entry:; put “Free divorce” in subject line.
Further questions about the contest can be posted here as a comment below.  Good luck!

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