Greetings, Disclaimers and Such...

Greetings friends and fellow travelers,

Today, I begin to offer you my best from twenty-five years of dealing with divorce - as a participant and as a divorce mediator.  I began the journey as a twenty-something divorcing man with an eighteen month old child. I sit here today as a divorce mediator and online divorce site operator who never believes he has seen it all.

What I will offer you is my best information and beliefs to help you through this mine field of divorce.  I am not a lawyer.  I cannot and will not give you legal advice.  However, my years have taught me much about what has worked and not worked for thousands of couples and I will freely share that with you.  If something I say does not ring true to you, by all means discard it quickly.  If it does, please use it wisely and often.

Each day, I will share a tip, a quote, a story to help you along the path.  Please feel free to contact me at,, or +1 502 897 3020.

Remember, there's no such thing as an easy divorce.

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